Class Information

Friday, April 10, 2020

Bedtime Stories with Miss B.- Franklin Plays the Game

Bedtime Stories with Miss B.
Franklin Plays the Game
By Paulette Bourgeois & Brenda Clark

Conversation Questions
1) What was Franklin’s problem in this story?
2) What is the most important part about playing the game according to Franklin’s dad?
3) How did Franklin and his friends use teamwork to score a goal?

Writing about Reading
·      Tell of a time when you have had to use teamwork to do something.
o   Who were you working with?
o   What was the goal?
o   Did you accomplish your goal?
o   What were the steps you had to take to accomplish your goal?

Thursday, April 9, 2020

SPECIAL READER: Bedtime Stories with Mrs. Parisi

Bedtime Stories with Miss B.
Everyone Toots
By Joe Rhatigan

Conversation Questions
1) Who are the characters in this story?
2) Where is the setting (places and time) of the story?
3) What connections can you make to the story?
4) Why do you think the author wrote this story, to inform, to persuade or to entertain?

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Bedtime Stories with Miss B.- Sam and the Firefly

Bedtime Stories with Miss B.
Sam and the Firefly
By P.D. Eastman

Conversation Questions
1) Why did Sam and the firefly become friends?
2) What is Gus, the firefly’s, special trick?
3) Why was Sam trying to stop Gus from doing his ‘bad tricks’ to the cars, airplanes, and other places?

Writing about Reading
·      How did you meet your best friend? Did you meet at a special place? Did someone you know introduce you to him/her? Give 2-3 activities that you enjoy doing with your best friend.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Bedtime Stories with Miss B.- Caps for Sale

Bedtime Stories with Miss B.
Caps for Sale
By Esphyr Slobodkina

Conversation Questions
1) When did the man try to sell his caps during the day?
2)How do you think the man felt when he woke up from his nap and all of his caps were gone from his head?
3) What was the problem in this story? How did the man solve his problem?

Writing about Reading
·      What are two ways the man could get people to buy his caps, besides yelling, “Caps! Caps for sale! Fifty cents a cap!”?

Monday, April 6, 2020

Bedtime Stories with Miss B.- Scaredy Squirrel

Bedtime Stories with Miss B.
Scaredy Squirrel
By Mélanie Watt

Conversation Questions
1) What are three items that Scaredy Squirrel has in his emergency kit?
2) How did Scaredy Squirrel feel once he was in the Unknown?
3) How was the real Unknown different than what Scaredy Squirrel first thought it was?
4) Why does Scaredy Squirrrel add jumping into the Unknown into his new-and-improved schedule?

Writing about Reading
·      What are you scared of? What are 2 reasons you are scared of this thing? How could you overcome being scared of this thing?
**Overcome means to get over being scared and to not be scared of anymore.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Bedtime Stories with Miss B.- Crab Cake: Turning the Tide Together

Bedtime Stories with Miss B.
Crab Cake: Changing the Tide Together
By Andrea Tsurumi

Conversation Questions
1) What animal holds their breath?
2) How did Crab take action after the trash was dumped over their home, the coral reef?
3) Name two different animals and how they helped take away the trash?
4) How do you think the people felt about the trash on their docks?

Writing about Reading
·      A community is a group of people working together to survive. We live among many different communities (schools, classes, neighborhoods, teams, clubs, families). How can you help one of your communities? Give 2-3 ways that you can help that community.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Bedtime Stories with Miss B.- The Legend of Rock, Paper, Scissors

Bedtime Stories with Miss B.
The Legend of Rock, Paper, Scissors
By Drew Daywalt

Conversation Questions
1) Why did Rock feel sad every time he won against another object?
2) Who was the ‘strange and sticky circle man’ that Scissors came across in the Village of Junk Drawer?
3) Why was Paper able to beat Rock?
Writing about Reading
·      Choose two household objects that would go against each other in a dual.
o   What are the names of the objects?
o   Where in the house would they be?
o   Who would win?
o   Give 2-3 reasons why that object would win over the other.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Bedtime Stories with Miss B.- Tyrannosaurus Rex vs. Edna: The Very First Chicken

Bedtime Stories with Miss B.
Tyrannosaurus Rex vs. Edna: The Very First Chicken
By Douglas Rees

Conversation Questions
1) What was the problem in the story?
2) What was the Tyrannosaurus Rex thinking when Edna, the first chicken, did not run from him?
3) What 2 words to describe Edna, the first chicken?

Writing about Reading
·      After the Tyrannosaurus ran out of the forest, what happened to him? Continue the story about the rest of the Tyrannosaurus’ day.
o   Did he find lunch since he did not eat breakfast?
o   Did he come across another problem?
o   Who did he meet on his journey to continue to find food?